DIY Literacy with Library Make: Moon Sand
1 min read

DIY Literacy with Library Make: Moon Sand

Ever wondered what it would be like to build sandcastles on the moon?

Kinetic learning and fun give children’s busy hands something to do during colder seasons when going outside and playing in the dirt isn’t possible! Moon sand is non-toxic and perfect for all ages for squishing, molding and creating.

Watch this episode of Library Make to learn how to make moon sand!

Play is one of the five Early Child Ready to Read pillars. Play, especially unstructured play, is vital to the development of young learners to explore the power of their imagination and unleash their creative abilities.

By making this moon sand, your child can get involved in measuring, pouring and mixing ingredients. Once the sand is made, the possibilities for play are endless. Squish the sand into various shapes and structures, or you can write in/on the moon sand to practice letters, numbers and shapes. It’s time to get messy!

Screenshot of instruction guide

Download our Kinetic Moon Sand instruction guide to learn how and why to make moon sand for your early learner. Instructions include an introduction to the topic, a supply list, steps to make the moon sand as well as additional resources from the library.

Read more about the importance of play from the library collection:

Be sure to head over to our YouTube channel for our Library Make video playlist. Learn how to make a shoe box flannel board, salt tray, fabric book and so much more. Happy making!

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