Have Plano Public Library Come to You!
1 min read

Have Plano Public Library Come to You!

If you have an event coming up and you want the library there, read to find out how!

Your Plano Public

Plano Public Library is all about getting out of our libraries and into our communities. Through our Outreach and Engagement team, we coordinate the library attending events all across Plano including PTA and HOA meetings, school literacy and science nights, teaching computer classes at community centers and more.

See our #morethanbooks outreach van across Plano providing library services

Outreach brings library staff into the community to share information about library resources, with a special emphasis on non-users and under-served communities in Plano. Career development, early learning, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) and senior learning opportunities are cornerstones of our commitment to lifelong learning for all.

Scheduling a visit from the #morethanbooks library outreach van for your organization or event provides participants the opportunity to meet library staff, interact and learn about the resources and services available at the library, and register for a Plano Public Library card.

Click here to begin requesting Plano Public Library to come to your event!

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