Virtual Field Trip: Palace of Versailles
2 mins read

Virtual Field Trip: Palace of Versailles

Ready to travel? To virtually explore the world? Join us on a virtual field trip to the Palace of Versailles!

The Palace of Versailles is a large, extravagant palace in France. The palace housed members of the aristocracy for many years, but today it is home to a vast collection of art and a museum of French history. Versailles came to symbolize the excess and wealth of the monarchy during the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. (Palace of Versailles Research Starter by Reed Kalso, Salem Press Encyclopedia, 2019)

To follow along on this Virtual Field Trip, you will need a computer, Internet and use Google Maps – Street View.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Google Palace of Versailles. Click on the Map view.
  2. Zoom in close to the Palace and pick up the street view tool and select a location to drop.
  3. Explore by clicking on the arrows and x’s to virtually explore the museum.
  4. When there is a blue dot, click that to find more information on the painting.
  5. Use the back arrow at top left to go back to the map and drop street view tool again in another part of the palace grounds.

Guided Activities

  1. A challenge: Find the painting of Louis XIV, King of France from 1638-1715. Did you find him? To learn about Louis the 14th, use our databases Credo to learn about his life. Learn one fun fact and share that with family or friends.
  2. What about the painting of Marie-Antoinette? Did you find her painting? Research on Credo to learn about her life.
  3. Did you spot the painting of Napoleon Bonaparte? Who was he? Use Credo to research his role in French history.

Continue Learning

Your library has a plethora of books and databases for your to use to learn more about these artifacts, people and time periods. You will need a Plano Public Library card to use these resources:

The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Paris – Not for Parents by Lonely Planet

Versailles by Colin Jones (EBSCO eBook)

Story of Versailles by Francis Loring Payne (EBSCO eBook)

Louis XIV and the Parlements: The Assertion of Royal Authority by John J. Hurt (EBSCO eBook)

Marie Antoinette: Controversial Queen of France by Heather E. Schwartz (EBSCO eBook)

Other resources

Château de Versaille website

Palace of Versailles on Encyclopaedia Britannica

11 Secrets from The Palace of Versailles on Google’s Arts & Culture

Palace and Park of Versailles on UNESCO’s World Heritage List

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