Virtual Field Trip: Ashikaga Flower Park
1 min read

Virtual Field Trip: Ashikaga Flower Park

Ready to travel? To virtually explore the world? Join us on a virtual field trip to the Ashikaga Flower Park!

The Ashikaga Flower Park is, according to TripAdvisor, “the largest wisteria garden in Japan with over 350 wisteria trees in a park of 94,000 m².”

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Google “Ashikaga Flower Park.” Click on the Map view.
  2. Zoom in close to the park and pick up the street view tool and select a location to drop.
  3. Explore by clicking on the arrows and x’s to virtually explore the park. Use the back arrow at top left to go back to the map and drop street view tool again in another part of the palace grounds.

Guided Activities

  1. Name that flower. Do you know what flowers are hanging everywhere? Listen closely to the video and I will tell you. Now, do a little research on the plant using the Discovery tool on the Library’s homepage. Discovery finds both physical books and articles for your research.
  2. Time to get creative! Pick a spot in the park, stop, and draw what you see.
  3. Using the diagram below, label the parts of a flower! Use the Discovery tool on the Library’s homepage to learn more about the structure and life of a flower.

Continue Learning

Your library has a plethora of books and databases for your to use to learn more about these artifacts, people and time periods. You will need a Plano Public Library card to use these resources:

Flower Power series by Lauren Myracle

Gardening Lab for Kids by Renata Brown

Japanese Gardens by Geeta Mehta

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