Virtual Field Trip: Dallas Arboretum
1 min read

Virtual Field Trip: Dallas Arboretum

Ready to travel? To virtually explore the world? Join us on a virtual field trip to the Dallas Arboretum!

The Dallas Arboretum is a local treasure. With many beautiful gardens, fountains, and seasonal displays, the botanical garden is worth a visit.

See our video tutorial on using Google to explore the Dallas Arboretum. Below is the process step-by-step, additional activities and library resources.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Google “Dallas Arboretum.” Click on the Map view.

2. Zoom in close to the site and pick up the street view tool and select a location to drop.

3. Explore by clicking on the arrows and x’s to virtually explore. Use the back arrow at top left to go back to the map and drop street view tool again in another part of the Dallas Arboretum.

Guided Activities

1. If you were to plan a garden, where would you put a bench, a tree, some bushes, and what types of flowers would you want? Draw it out on a blank piece of paper.

2. Learn more about plants and flowers with National Geographic Kids.

3. Using your senses! Imagine you are walking around the garden and write down what you would see, hear, and smell on your walk. Use the chart below. Then go on a walk around your neighborhood and write down what you hear, see, and smell.

Continue Learning

Your library has a plethora of books and databases for you to use to learn more about the Dallas Arboretum and gardens. You will need a Plano Public Library card to use these resources:

Gardening Lab for Kids by Renata Brown

The Flower Kingdom by Gigi D.G.

The Tree Doctor by Tish Rabe

The Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden by Dallas Arboretum

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