Virtual Field Trip: Chichen Itza
2 mins read

Virtual Field Trip: Chichen Itza

Ready to travel? To virtually explore the world? Join us on a virtual field trip to Chichen Itza!

Chichen Itza is a former Mayan city center and current World Heritage Site located in the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico.

The El Castillo pyramid is the symbol of the site and is visited by 2+ million tourists each year. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, the El Castillo has four sides, each with 91 stairs and faces a cardinal direction – North, South, East, and West. When you combine the number of steps of each side plus the top step, there are 365 steps – the same as a calendar year.

Additionally, the site includes ball courts where the game of tlachtli was played.

See our video tutorial on using Google to explore Chichen Itza. Below is the process step-by-step, along with additional activities and library resources.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Google Chichen Itza.  Click on the Map view.

Zoom in close to the site and pick up the street view tool and select a location to drop along a blue line.

Explore by clicking on the arrows and x’s to virtually explore the pyramids from the outside. Use the back arrow at top left to go back to the map and drop street view tool again in another part of the site.

Guided Activities

The symbol of Chichen Itza is the El Castillo Temple. Using the library’s databases, learn about the temple. With cups, paper, boxes, and other items found around the home, can you recreate the El Castillo pyramid? Share your projects with us by tagging the library.

The Mayans had their own numerical symbol system. In the linked worksheet, learn the number system of dots and lines and then solve the math problems. Then, create math problems for friends or family to solve.

Coloring pages – Visit this link for multiple Mayan themed coloring sheets including one for the Mayan calendar and a couple Mayan face masks.

Continue Learning

Mystery in Mayan Mexico by Marcia Wells

Where is Chichen Itza? by Paula K. Manzanero

Chichen Itza: Maya Capital of the Yucatan – available through Kanopy

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