01 Sep, 2024

Acquire Digital Skills with Microsoft

2020 has been a challenging year for anyone looking to enter or move within the workforce. In light of the increasingly difficult job market, Microsoft has launched a global skills initiative to help job seekers gain the digital and soft skills necessary to secure jobs in the top ten most in-demand jobs: Software developer Sales […]

3 mins read

Cuentos de español y consejos de alfabetización: cuenten con sus hijos

Las Bibliotecas Públicas de Plano se complace en ofrecer una nueva hora de cuentos de inmersión en español. Estamos muy contentos de ampliar nuestros servicios a la inmersión lingüística completa para que nuestro tiempo de cuentos preescolar sea accesible para más familias. Idealmente, esto sirve a niños de 3-5 años, pero está abierto para cualquier […]

3 mins read

Early Literacy Tip: Focus on the Letters in Your Child’s Name

What children need to know about reading and writing before they can read or write is called early literacy. As your child’s caregiver, you are their first teacher. The greatest amount of brain growth occurs between birth and age five, a time your child spends with you. By age three, 85% of the brain’s core […]

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