Library 101: Finding Foreign Language Materials
1 min read

Library 101: Finding Foreign Language Materials

How do you find Foreign language items in the library catalog? Depending on what your search is, you can go about this in a number of ways.  

  1. If you have a specific title in mind, you can type it in the search bar. For example, you would like to read Emma by Jane Austen in Spanish.  
    • Filter the results by language  
    • Check the call number to see if it is in Adult World Language (AWL) or Junior World Languages (JWL). The Adult books will always be at a higher reading level than the Junior Books 

  1. You have a specific subject in mind, for example cook books. Use the search term: “Cooking”  
    • Narrow the results by language 
    • Call numbers  

3. Maybe you just want to see what the library has in a specific language. Type in the language you are looking for. You can then narrow the results by language to ensure that you are seeing on those materials.  

View the library catalog in three different languages

You can change it by clicking on “Select a Language” at the top of the page. You can select English, Chinese or Spanish.  

The Library currently has content in the following languages: 
Arabic Farsi German Hindi Japanese Portuguese Swedish 
Chinese French Hebrew Italian Korean Spanish Russian 

As always, don’t hesitate to come in and browse through the collections yourself! There are Foreign language DVDs, bilingual books, language learning materials and so much more!

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