Social Networking for Job Search Success, Part 2
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Social Networking for Job Search Success, Part 2

On June 17, 2020 we hosted a virtual workshop in using social media while searching for a job.

In the class, we shared tips and options to determine how to be present online and have it work for you during the job search process.

This is blog post two of four of our Social Networking for Job Search Success series, as we explain more about sections of the class. Read our first post here. Toward the bottom of the post you will find the full recording of this workshop, along with additional resources to aid in your job search.

As you join in on the job search process, here are a few options of what you can (and need to do) to maintain a social media presence to help you, not hurt you.

Option 1

Stay social but lock it down. Users may be able see you but necessarily not a lot about you. The levels of privacy lockdowns do differentiate based on the social media site. More on that in a coming blog post.

Option 2

Stay social but keep it clean. Meaning you have a public profile but you have scrubbed it down and are proactive about keeping it void of controversial posts, photos, or topics – anything that could be problematic to employers.

What can you do with your current accounts? Take a deep dive into your social media accounts. Take a second look at those old photos or tweets with a more professional filter. Think of the possible interpretations of a post you made ten years ago. If it could be problematic, it is best to delete it.

As you move forward or as you go through the history of your account cleaning up, there are questions to ask yourself – look through the list on Social Media Etiquette: 12 Step Checklist by Ilya Pozin on Forbes.

Option 3

Stay social and use it to market yourself during the job search. Of course, this would involve a thorough clean up as with option #2. Then a focus on calculated steps to market yourself:

  • First things first – the profile picture. A profile picture is the first identifying tool searchers have. You would want to make the best first impression possible. Think of an interview – how you intentionally pick out an outfit and groom to present yourself in the best possible manner. This is how you can treat your profile picture. Go with a quality photo, preferably a solo picture that is clear, not blurry or pixelated.
  • Stick to positivity. Keep the grumblings to a minimum. While your social media accounts are yours and you should express yourself, always keep in mind the various ways a post can be interpreted.
  • Market yourself. Show off what you have done, your experiences, your interests and your hobbies. Most employers are seeking well rounded and dynamic team members.

Networking can extend into the digital world. What can you do? Start small: retweet, follow, join and engage.

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