Second Tuesday Book Club Discusses “The Rent Collector”
2 mins read

Second Tuesday Book Club Discusses “The Rent Collector”

Second Tuesday Book Club will discuss Camron Wright’s novel The Rent Collector on Tuesday, February 9 at 7 p. m.

Our meeting will be held from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. using Zoom. You can join this Zoom session via computer or phone. (Our meeting will begin at 7 p.m. and last until 8 p.m., an earlier start time than last year.) Email Cathe Spencer at with questions; register online here.

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The Rent Collector is available in print and eBook at Plano Public Library: Print | eBook

What if the woman you most despise is the only person who can save your son’s life?

Survival for Ki Lim and Sang Ly is a daily battle at Stung Meanchey, the largest municipal waste dump in all of Cambodia. They make their living scavenging recyclables from the trash. Life would be hard enough without the worry for their chronically ill child, Nisay, and the added expense of medicines that are not working. Just when things seem worst, Sang Ly learns a secret about the ill-tempered rent collector who comes demanding money—a secret that sets in motion a tide that will change the life of everyone it sweeps past.

The Rent Collector is a story of hope, of one woman’s journey to save her son and another woman’s chance at redemption. It demonstrates that even in a dump in Cambodia—perhaps especially in a dump in Cambodia—everyone deserves a second chance. (Excerpt from the author’s website)

ALA’s Booklist called The Rent Collector “a beautifully told story about the perseverance of the human spirit and the importance of standing up for what is right.”

It was nominated for the International DUBLIN Literary Award, won a Whitney Award for Best Novel of the Year, and has been published worldwide.

Camron Wright lives near Salt Lake City, and is the author of seven books, including a new novel to be released this April. His website has interesting details on the family which inspired The Rent Collector, and a link to the documentary River of Victory, filmed by his son, which follows the journey of the real Sang Ly. His Facebook page also provides occasional updates on his characters.

January 12, Second Tuesday Book Club at 7 p.m.
Register here
Join a live discussion of February’s read, The Rent Collector by Camron Wright, in Print | eBook

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