Discovery Time: Space Constellations
2 mins read

Discovery Time: Space Constellations

Join us for Discovery Time! Enjoy hands-on activities that introduce STEAM concepts that are just right for preschoolers. STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, art and math. Your child’s creativity, curiosity and persistence make them natural scientists. Science and art encourage your child to explore and investigate their world by observing and experimenting. Early math and reading skills often overlap, too. 

The desire to read is an important factor in your child becoming a skilled reader. If your child is interested in a particular topic, read books that focus on that topic. You can apply their interests to early learning activities as well. Beaded Constellations is a great activity for a space obsessed preschooler that will reinforce their fine motor skills and encourage them to use their imaginations.  

  • Pipe Cleaners 
  • Beads 
  • Constellation Cards (download file below)
  1. Pick the constellation you want to make  
  1. Explore bending the pipe cleaners into the shape of the constellation-you can use more than one pipe cleaner per constellation  
  1. Slide beads onto the pipe cleaners to represent the stars that make up the constellation  

Sliding beads onto pipe cleaners is a great way to strengthen fine motor skills.  Picking up small objects with the thumb and forefinger uses the pincer grasp. The pincer grasp is a foundation for future activities such as holding a pencil, getting dressed and using utensils to eat.  By working on the pincer grasp, you are preparing your child to write.  

Encourage your child to make up their own constellations! If they have trouble getting started, ask them some questions to encourage them to use their imagination. For example, you could create a constellation that looks like your pet! Ask them “How many stars do you think there would be in a constellation of your pet turtle?”  Or, you can make a constellation of your favorite animal.

Imagination plays a critical role in problem-solving and learning. Without using your imagination, you can’t picture how different solutions to a problem you face might work.  Imaginative play gives your child the freedom to explore new ideas and think outside the box, which has been shown to result in a higher level of creativity in adulthood.   

The early literacy activities you do today will set your child up for a successful tomorrow. Playing together is always a great way to learn!  


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